by bmadmin | Feb 11, 2016 | New Classes
Primary 6 is a critical year for students as they prepare themselves for the PSLE. The fear of not excelling gives parents and students tremendous stress. However, we believe that an encouraging and affirming learning environment will maximize students’ learning. That...
by bmadmin | Feb 11, 2016 | New Classes
Does your child complain about Science lessons being boring? Does your child lack interest in learning science concepts? Does your child feels that Science is irrelevant to his/her life? If your answers are yes, we have the solution for you. Primary 6 is a critical...
by bmadmin | Jan 26, 2016 | New Classes
Does your child complain about Science lessons being boring? Does your child lack interest in learning science concepts? Does your child feels that Science is irrelevant to his/her life? If your answers are yes, we have the solution for you. Starting this year, we...
by bmadmin | Jan 8, 2016 | New Classes
What if you can have an ex-JC Math Teacher to coach you for your most challenging H2 math topic so that you can finally score ‘A’ in your final year examination? Every JC student wants to score ‘A’ in their H2 Math. However, one reason why many...
by bmadmin | Jan 3, 2016 | New Classes
Do you want to ace your Pure Chemistry? Do you want to score well in your Pure Chemistry without hardcore memorising of notes? How about scoring high marks in your Pure Chemistry, even if chemistry is not your strongest science subject? We know Pure Chemistry is not...
by bmadmin | Dec 2, 2015 | Intensive Courses
Does Your Child Score A Bad Grade For Language Arts This Year? Fret Not! Sign Up For Our Consultation Programme To Prepare For 2016! Language Arts is a subject that is only available in a few secondary schools, and BrainMatter is one of the few educational centres...
by bmadmin | Sep 18, 2015 | Intensive Courses
1 to 1 Personal Consultation With Math Scholar Tutor To Help You Ace Your Math Examination In 30 Days Or Less! Dear all O levels and IP4 students, You have less than 30 days to your O level Math exam paper. Are You Ready? If you are still struggling with your math...
by bmadmin | Mar 13, 2015 | New Classes
We believe that no student should see himself/ herself a failure in Math. We believe that all students can be interested in Math. We believe there’s a chance for weak students to do well in Math. We believe that students can improve in their Math by at least 20...
by bmadmin | Feb 8, 2015 | New Classes
Social studies is one of the most important subjects for O levels, and you know how it will affect your overall Humanities grade. We understand that Social Studies is not an easy subject for many students like you. In fact, it can be one of the most challenging...
by bmadmin | Jan 14, 2015 | New Classes
Is it really important to have a good foundation in Math from young? Is interest towards a subject a big factor in excelling in that subject? Starting this year, we will be opening up our Primary 4 Math class for registration. During the lessons, Math will be made to...